Anthropologically speaking, within the panoply of our abilities within the entire spectrum of disciplines, every once and a while you come across an individual who demonstrates what can only euphemistically be called, The Finger of God. Yes, there are those who relentlessly pursue, as a never-ending responsibility, the maximization of their respective personal potential to the highest levels of craft skill with dazzling results of technique. And then there are those who immediately prove, within these highest levels of technical proficiency, to have an undeniable gift that clearly separates them from the rest! In this specific case, I'm referring to Ms. Rowan Parsaca's alto voice, which is rich, lush, full, warm, immediately engaging, with flawless intonation and continual growth in dexterity. Ms. Parsaca, from an artistic showbiz family, who has fully participated in the arts within her community, is now seventeen. I first met her when she was twelve. She was introduced to me to potentially sing a vocal role in one of my music works. I was instantly awed by the beauty and maturity of her sound, as well as the security and effervescence while singing, demonstrating the intelligence of her interpretation, considering her young age. Her diction and enunciation are flawless, as well as her literary reading skills and dramatic interpretation. Simply put, she's a natural, whose potential is only going to grow with every selfless teacher, who wishes to bestow their respective knowledge onto such a wonderful Human Being. To date, Ms. Parsaca has performed four times in concert with me, as well as this recording.