Faith based
onto every word
from their orange messiah
as gospel
a dark comic genius
setting himself on fire
seducing the media from day one
as the mischief is in full press
packing the federal courts for life
with like-minded right wing arch conservatives
maintaining the exact substandard
to perpetuate lies
dismantling social programs
erasing humility
chloroforming humanity
subjugating women not to have control over their own reproductive Rights
alienating allies
embracing tyrants…
for us to be appalled by the present immigration policy
separating children from parents who have illegally entered the country…
where is the action?
where is the protest?
why are the streets not full with indignation
placards, shouting and marching feet?
disavowing any approval
any connection
to this orange menace and pandering sycophants
this is an overt Human Rights violation!
not rising up against it
only proves our continuing hypocrisy
our history’s continuing hatred
we slaughtered the indigenous of the New World
and defiled the pristine land
through our self-righteous piety for God, Glory and Gold
millions died
we slaughtered our American indigenous
stole their land
and then…
the concentration camps of reservations
separating their children from their parents
putting them into orphanages
taking their language away
taking their culture away
all under the auspices of Christianity
punishing these children harshly
if they didn’t abandon who they were
African slaves
brought to the Americas
from 1525-1866
affecting 12.5 million
where 1.8 million died in transit
388,000 brought to the United States
King Cotton ruled the day
Capitalism at its best demonic indifference!
rationalized through Christianity
leading to the Civil War
rationalized pro and con
killing seven hundred plus thousand of ourselves
and then…
in spite of the 1/1/1863 Emancipation Proclamation by Lincoln
slavery continued
Jim Crow
peonage which affected 800,000 lives in the south
for 80 years
finally ending 12/12/1941 by
but segregation continued
overtly in the south
covertly in the north
all the lynching’s of African Americans
4,400 in twelve different southern states from 1877-1950
all the photo ops by those who relished the event
making sure their face was clearly documented
men, women and children posing
in their Christen righteousness
their specific communal piety
and then…
concentration camps for our own Japanese citizens during WWII under Roosevelt
and now…
regardless of race or sexual orientation
still exists
too many still not given an even playing field
not a hand-out
but an environment so to self-motivate
an environment demonstrating the tools so to evolve
so to contribute to the greater good
this is a world
of the deaf and blind
whose only interest is its own reflection
believing in one geo-political God
the only way towards salvation
indifferent to Truth and science
self-involved demagoguery
politically corrected beyond the enlightened of merit
relegated into numerical quotas
of appearance and sexual proclivity
this fake news movement
beyond rendering us to not know what to believe
exhausting us into such extreme passivism
succumbing to the special interests in financial control
total imperial power
solely predicated upon greed
hiding behind patriotism
perverting our most elevated utopian legal document
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
an intellectual exercise
created by the most incongruous of men
tearing it down at every opportunity
through the courts
through bought legislation
we did it
unleashed the corporate banking oligarchy of military theocracy
constant war
constant surveillance
constant suppression
constant antagonism towards the unity of dignity
blurring what is most human when fighting for our Rights
with every psychotic nihilist anarchist
who only wants martyrdom
stealth is the ultimate freedom!
social media has opened the floodgates of chaos
opinions like assholes
everyone’s got one
A.I. is listening
every transaction
every idea
every interest
every opinion
every titillation
surmising our motivations and outcome
America is dying
she is seriously, towards terminally, ill
poisoned by these very un-United States of united hatred and special interests
how can we possibly be moved by children separated from their parents when it is we who have separated ourselves from the greatest utopian legal premise, promise, ever created?
if America is allowed to perish
through the wanton greed of the corporate United States
the lights will go out around the world
material driven fascism will be the striving impetus
whether from the boardroom
or the individual
reptilian lust
impulse driven
predatorily cannibalistic